Step 1.


- What is Eyebrow Cosmetic Tattooing?

Eyebrow Cosmetic Tattoo involves either a hand tool or machine with a cluster of fine needles, which are used to implant pigment into the skin to imitate life-like hair strokes and natural-looking eyebrows.

- Who is Cosmetic Tattooing For?

Cosmetic tattooing is for anyone who wants the perfect brow shape on the daily! For those who are losing or have lost eyebrow hair and can not seem to grow back. For those who have never had that fab shape or crave more fullness, thickness, length and/or definition. Anyone who is self-conscious about their brows and have tried everything. Those who don’t have the time, cant be bothered or don’t know how to draw their brows daily. Anyone who was personally victimised by the 90’s brow trend!

- Benefits of Tattooing!

Cosmetic Tattooing will allow you to save time every day by not having to draw your brows in. It instantly gives a new found confidence and makes you look refreshed and uplifted. Saves time and money on monthly brow appointments and daily brow product use. Can encourage new hair growth. Fully customised to give you the best enhancement through shape, colour, structure and overall will make you look and feel incredible!

- Do I need a consultation prior to booking?

If you are certain you would like the treatment, there is no need to book an Eyebrow Cosmetic Tattoo Consultation, as full consultation is included in all the tattooing procdures. However, it is recommended to book a consultation, if post reading all FAQ's and reviewing the Eligibity Criteria, you still have queries to make you feel as comfortable as possible prior to booking in.

- Is It Like body Tattoo?

No, the main difference between a traditional body tattoo and a Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattoo is the type of equipment used and the depth/type of the pigment implanted into the skin.


All pigments used at RA'RA are of the best quality and highest saftey standard. Most pigments are Iron Oxide and Titanium Dioxide based and are safe, non-reactive and suspended in distilled water, alcohol and glycerin. The pigments are specifically designed for implantation into human skin.

- How long will the pigment last?

The longevity of colour in the skin cannot be predicted. Cosmetic tattooing is neither permanent or semi-permanent. Some skins hold colour longer and stronger, while others fade leaving a light residue on the skin. Pigment may fade or change according to; metabolism, lifestyle, skin type, medications, age, smoking, alcohol, sun exposure and use of active skincare products such as Retin-A and Alpha-Hydroxy-Acids (AHA's)

- How intense will the colour look intitially?

After your Eyebrow Cosmetic Tattoo treatment, the colour may appear darker then hoping for approximately 10-14days. During this period the pigment intensity will fade significantly. After four weeks, the pigment can continue to fade up to 50%. This is considered an extremely positive occurence, as it allows you time to reflect on your new eyebrow shape and colour.

After 4-6weeks a touch-up treatment is performed and at this point, any changes you would like are discussed. After your touch-up treatment, the pigment will once again fade but to a much lesser degree.


You may experience slight swelling and/or redness 1-2 days. Weeping may oocur for the next 48hours as the skin is in the initial stages of the healing process. It may then be followed by exfoliation or scabbing for several days following the procedure.

- Is the treatmet painful?

During the procedure, anasthetic is applied to ensure client comfort and numbing of the eyebrows. While some clients do find a small amount of discomfort throughout the treatment, most find they mainly feel pressure around the area. We do also recommend a pre-numbing agent for further comfort during the procedure.

- What does a Touch Up treatment involve?

Eyebrow Cosmetic Tattooing is a multi-step process. A touch up appointment is recommended between 4-6weeks following your initial tattoo session to finalise the finished outcome. This session reinforces pigment, fill in areas that may not have taken aswell as others to ensure longevity in between future touch up appointments. Adjustments such as thickness, colour and brow style can also be addressed. Colour retention varies depending on the individual clients compliance with home-care instructions.

- How often will i need to have my Eyebrow tattoo re-touched?

A refresher of colour is recommended approximately every 12months to keep the pigment looking its best and the shape looking naturally defined. However, this varies for each client. While some may need touchups every 6months depending on personal preference, others may opt for every 18months.

Please Note: Microblading Tattoo Style is not suitable for clients with more oily prone skin, as oil distorts the hairstokes and dispells the pigment at a faster rate. Tattoo is unlikely to last more than 6-8months and we dont wish to tattoo that frequently to ensure the integrity of the skin.

- Is Eyebrow Cosmetic Tattoo permanent?

Eyebrow Cosmetic Tattoos are not permanent nor are they semi-permanent. Tattoos fade depending on so many varying factors that we have no control over. This is why you may need a refresher every 6months and others every 2 years. We can't guarantee that your tattoo will ever completely fade nor guarantee that it wont. This is both a pro and con, as it allows for change in facial structure, trends, approach at touch up sessions but regular treatments naturall are required to maintain.

- How long does Eyebrow Cosmetic Tattooing last?

As there are so many variables this is a question that only you acn answer. Some need refreshing every 6months, whilst others every 2 years. We would aim for a touch-up every 12months but you will have to decide as to when is right for you. If you are finding that your microblading/feather touch is fading quiet quickly, we would consider moving into a combination, powder or ombre eyebrow style of tattoo.

- Would I still require Brow Tinting?

Yes. Eyebrow Cosmetic Tattoos are colouring the skin and not the hairs, so therefore tinting may be needed every 4weeks. This also makes a huge difference to your brows in adding more depth and defining the brows, especially when the colour starts to fade. This can be carried out 4weeks post your touch-up appointment.

- Can Henna be used on my Eyebrws after cosmetic tattooing?

Henna can be applied once your tattoo has completely healed, however due to the skin being tattooed, this may cause a reaction or fading of the tattoo. It will react with each and every client differently.

- Can I wear makeup after my Cosmetic Tattoo treatment?

No! It is advised to wait 7days post cosmetic-tattoo treatment prior to applying any makeup to the treated area. Yes, makeup can be applied to the rest of the face, though be mindful when removing at night.

- Can I choose the eyebrows shape and colour?

Colour and shape will be discussed throughout your consultation. Everyone has an ideal brow shape that suits them and an ideal colour palette. Therefore, we will guide you through our professional knowledge + include your wants and desires to ensure the best possible outcome for each individual client.

- Do I need to shave my eyebrows off?

Fortunately, NO! Cosmetic Tattooing in this day and age is designed to make tattoos look like natural brows. To be able to achieve this as much of the natural brow hair as possible is left to allow them to appear like they are naturally yours.

- Do I need to tidy my brows before or on the day of treatment?

No and no. It is much easier for us to be able to see the natural hair growth and colour of your eyebrows if they are all-natural. This will assist in choosing the best shape and colour for you. Tidying up any uneeded hairs will be removed (at no extra cost) throughout your treatment.

- Can I choose the eyebrows shape and colour?

Colour and shape will be discussed throughout your consultation. Everyone has an ideal brow shape that suits them and an ideal colour palette. Therefore, we will guide you through our professional knowledge + include your wants and desires to ensure the best possible outcome for each individual client.

- Do I need to shave my eyebrows off?

Fortunately, NO! Cosmetic Tattooing in this day and age is designed to make tattoos look like natural brows. To be able to achieve this as much of the natural brow hair as possible is left to allow them to appear like they are naturally yours.

- Do I need to tidy my brows before or on the day of treatment?

No and no. It is much easier for us to be able to see the natural hair growth and colour of your eyebrows if they are all-natural. This will assist in choosing the best shape and colour for you. Tidying up any uneeded hairs will be removed (at no extra cost) throughout your treatment.

- Im pregnant and/or breastfeeding?

RA'RA tattoo artists will not carry out cosmetic tattoo procedures during pregnancy and/or breast feeding, to avoid any potential risk of passing infection or anasthetic.

- Can I have Eyebrows Cosmetic Tattooing under the age of 18?

No. Due to Australian Law, you MUST be at least 18 years of age to receive a cosmetic tattoo.

Step 2.


Its a lot to read, but is it necessary… YES INDEED!!!

To avoid disappointment, please do not book/request any Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattoo treatments, without reading the Eligibility Requirements below…

- Are you 18+?

As the law states within Australia, you must be 18+ to be eligible to receive a Cosmetic Tattoo treatment, therefore I.D may be requested upon your appointment as proof of age prior to going forward with treatment.

Parental approval doesn't make anyone under the 18 of 18 eligible for this treatment.

- Pregnant or Breastfeeding

Those who are Pregnant or Breast Feeding cannot undergo Cosmetic Tattoo Treatments during this time. Please book post giving birth and once breastfeeding has ceased. This is to ensure the safety of our clients and their baby.

Pregnancy changes hormones dramatically, so colour retention and colour iteself can not be guaranteed.

- Trying to fall pregnant or currently going through IVF

Allow minimum 4weeks after your Cosmetic Brow Tattoo refresher treatment before trying to conceive. We always wish to edge on the side of caution for the saftey of clients and their unborn baby, so by having recently implanted foreign bodies and using anesthetic, we would like to ensure that the body has completely broken these down and excreted them prior to conception. If you are actively trying to conceive, delay cosmetic tattooing.

- Diagnosed with Cancer

To ensure your own health and well-being, an Oncologist will need to write a clearance to ensure you will be safe whilst receiving the treatment.

- Active infections

If you have any active infections, please mention this prior to booking your appointment as a medical certificate may be required.

- Cosmetic Injectables

Injectables can effect the Eyebrow Tattoo, therefore 2weeks between injectables and Cosmetic Tattooing are needed to allow the area to settle.

Please mention all injectables near the area to be treated and the time frame between having them done in an enquiry prior to booking.

Injectables to compliment the brow area is recommended post your Cosmetic Brow Treatment to align symmetry in the best way.

- Prior allergies and/or concerns with Topical or Injected Anasthetic?

As an anesthetic will be used during your appointment on an open wound, it is important to inform us prior to your appointment that if you have had any previous reactions and/or concerns prior to making a booking, a medical certificate will be required.

- Allergies

Please outline any and all allergies in your Booking Request Form

- Medical Conditions

A majority of medical conditions don't interfere when receiving Cosmetic Tattooing. However, if you do have a medical condition, you must notify us prior to making a booking as a medical certificate may be required.

- Medications

Please notify us of any medications you are currently taking prior to making a booking. Some may interfere with receiving Cosmetic Brow Tattoo treatments, however most are ok. Others may require a medical certificate prior to securing an appointment.

- Blood Clotting conditions

If you are prone to Blood Clotting, a "Medical Certificate is Required" prior to making an appointment


Please notify us prior to making a booking for any Cosmetic Tattoo procedure, as a "Medical Certificate is Required"

- Taking supplements

Please mention any and all supplements you are taking including. Fitness/Natural and Herbal prior to booking an appointment. Supplements can affect the colour and retention of your Eyebrow Cosmetic Tattoo. Some may need to be ceased from taking prior to and shortly after treatments, if safe to do so.

- Taking Fish Oils

Fish oil affects the retention of the tattoo pigment, which may lead to the tatto not holding as well as it should. If possible, discontinue the use of fish oil 7days prior to receiving a cosmetic tattoo and also advice us prior to making a booking.

- Hormonal Imbalances, Thyroid conditions and hrt

These imbalances may cause your tattoo to fade at a faster than usual pace. Please keep this in mind when making a booking but absolutley can still undergo treatment.

- History of Keloid Scarring

If prone to Keloid Scarring you will need to obtain a Doctor's Clearance in the way of "Medical Certificate" to have a treatment carried out. Please do your research and be very mind full of the effects Cosmetic Tattooing can have on someone who is prone to Keloid Scarring. As a series of fine needles will be used to make incisions to open the skin, implant pigment and then must heal itself,if you are prone to Keloid Scarring it can not be guaranteed that these wounds will not scar and elevate.

- Scars in and/or near the area

Please mention this at time of making a Booking Request. Pictures prior to securing an appointment maybe requested. It is best to allow the scar 12months to heal prior to your Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattoo appointment.

- Skin Conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, acne and/or broken capillaries near the area to be treated

If any and/or all present, please mention at time of Booking Request along sending clear photos of the area.

- Burns in the area that you would like tattooed? Including. Sunburn, windburn and Chemical Burn

Ensure the area is completely healed prior to booking or attending your appointment. Please reschedule with apppropriate notice if suspect further healing time required. If arrive for your booking with any present, you sadly will be turned away for your saftey and booking fee will be deducted.

- skincare and facials

If there are any active ingredients in your skincare regime, please stop use over and around the area 30 days prior and after your Cosmetic Treatment to ensure the colour stays crispy and fresh. This is also advised with facial treatments.

- Oily Prone Skin

Microblading/Feather touch is not suitable for clients with more oily prone skin, as oil distorts the hairstokes and dispells the pigment at a faster rate. Tattoo is unlikely to last more than 6-8months and we dont wish to tattoo that frequently to ensure the integrity of the skin. All other tattoo styles are suitable when more oil present but may require more frequent annual touch ups

- Activities and post-eyebrow cosmetic tattoo

Brows will need to remain dry for 7days post-treatment. Meaning no swimming, sport or exercise. It is advised to be SunSmart wearing sunhat,sunglasses and avoiding sun exposure as much as possible.

- Have an existing cosmetic eyebrow tattooo

We are more than happy to work with previous cosmetic tattoos, so long as the application and treated area aligns with our standard and saftey precautions. Unfortunately, not all Eyebrow Tattoos can be worked with or corrected without some sort of removal. Therefore, if you have an existing Eyebrow Tattoo you'd like us to see if we can work with or what options are available to you, please send through photos of existing tattoo.

- Correcting Asymmetry

Please include in your Booking Request if this is something you're wishing to target, alongside sending through clear photos

- Photos

All clients who have NOT previously had Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattooing are required to send a full-faced photo along with their Booking Request. Clients who HAVE previously had tattooing are required to send a full-face photo and a close-up of each brow. Please take clear photos with no makeup and preferably in direct sunlight.

- Pricing

All first time brow appointment pricing includes 4 week touch up appointment. Although Refresher/Touch Up sessions are set amounts for each individual treatment, due to excess loss of colour, colour correction, shape correction, removal,etc - additonal charges may apply.


Appointments can now be made if you have reached all the Eligibility Criteria above. Thankyou for taking the time to read through and ensure your safety, alongside the essentials to ensuring the best possible outcome for your brows!!!

Step 3.


- Read F.A.Q’s

- MUST read Eligibility Requirements

- You may bring in photos of eyebrow shapes you like (Though keep in mind that we all have different face + brow shapes, bone structures, skin + hair colours, so what may look good on others, may not give you the best enhancement) Let us guide you to the best brows for YOU!

- Book in your 4-6week touch-up session after your initial brow treatment, as studio availability books up fast and we want you to avoid disappointment or additional cost to your initial tattoo treatment

- Your brows will need to remain dry for 7 days, so if need be please wash your hair prior OR book in a RA’RA Wash + Blow Dry for us to take care of!

- (Optional) Brow makeup is welcomed at your initial appointment if wish to showcase the shape and/or colour you like, but be aware all makeup on and surrounding the brows will be removed before application to see skin undertones and natural skin colouring (Mascara + Lippy ok)


- Take any medication 24hrs prior to the cosmetic tattoo procedure. Excluding. Neurophen and Panadol. NO Aspirin

- Avoid drinking tea, coffee, alcohol or any stimulants 24hrs prior to your appointment

- No waxing, plucking, shaving prior to your appointment. Your natural eyebrows will be shaped accordingly during the procedure. Hair is necessary to make the tattoo appear more natural and realistic. NO tinting/henna 2weeks prior to your appointment

- No kids or entourage are allowed in the studio during Cosmetic Tattoo Brow procedures, as artists need full concentration to carry out treatment and perform at the best of their ability

- Do not book any Eyebrow Cosmetic Tattoo treatments including Tattoo Removal, without reading the Eligibility Criteria prior.